
This article describes the Timer function and each of its properties.

Who can use this feature?

All Squirrel365 plans include the Timer function.

For more details, see our pricing comparison matrix.

The Timer function allows an interval or recurring interval to be added between events in a Squirrel project.

Add a timer to your project by opening the FUNCTIONS drawer in the object browser, selecting Timer from the dropdown box, and clicking the plus button.

The Timer function will appear in the FUNCTIONS drawer of the Object Browser. Select it from there to access its properties in the property panel.

Timer Function Properties


  • Delay in milliseconds – This is the time it will take from the timer being triggered to timer completion.

  • Trigger when

The Timer insertion trigger utilizes Conditional Logic. For more information on Conditional Logic and its uses, see this article.

If the content of the Trigger cell changes between the timer being triggered and before the Delay in milliseconds has elapsed, the timer will restart.

  • Trigger on load – Checking this will start the timer as soon as the Squirrel project is loaded. This can be used on its own, or in addition to one of the Trigger when options listed above.

  • Insertion Type:

    • Block – This option will cause the timer to execute once only, after which (if values have been added to the Source and Destination properties), a further event can then be initiated.

    • Loop – This option can be selected if the timer needs to be executed more than once.

      • Loop Counter – A counter will be incremented each time the timer executes, and this number will be inserted into the cell bound to this property.

      • Loop options:

        • Loop for

          • Stop after n loops – Add a numerical value into this property (or bind to a cell containing a numerical value), and the timer will execute this many times.

        • Loop until

          • Bind cell property to a cell in the spreadsheet, then either add a numerical value to the equals property or bind to a cell in the spreadsheet that contains a suitable value.

Last updated


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